HowTo renew the Session id in Tomcat or JBoss after a login

…or: HowTo prevent a session fixation attack. Most Security Papers (eg. the Security White Paper of the BSI ) suggest to renew the given Session id after a successful login. To archive this goal, you need to create a Valve which manipulates the session. According to the BSI paper there a four steps to renew the session id:

  • store the old session
  • invalidate the old session
  • generate a new session
  • copy the data of the old session into the new session

A valve is a special filter that operate outside of a web application. It intercepts all requests before they are subsequently processed. You can find out more about valves at the Tomcat documentation.

And here is the code for the valve:

public class RenewSessionValve implements Valve{

 public void invoke(Request request, Response response)
    throws IOException, ServletException {
 	// check for the login URI, only after a login
	// we want to renew the session
	if (req.getRequestURI().
		contains("/portal/j_security_check")) {
 	  // step 1: save old session
	  Session oldSession = req.getSessionInternal(true);
	  SavedRequest saved = (SavedRequest) oldSession.

	  // step 2: invalidate old session

	  // step 3: create a new session and set it to the request
	  Session newSession = req.getSessionInternal(true);
	  // step 4: copy data pointer from the old session
	  // to the new one
	  if (saved != null) {
	    newSession.setNote(Constants.FORM_REQUEST_NOTE, saved);

To make the Valve work, you need to declare it in the server.xml.

The reason why the session id is not renewed if you call request.getSessionInternal(true)
is because of the way how the catalina request class creates a new session.
If the old session id was stored in a cookie it creates a new session
using the old session id:

if (connector.getEmptySessionPath() && isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()) {
            session = manager.createSession(getRequestedSessionId()); 

The only way to prevent this is to call
request.RequestedSessionId(null) befor calling req.getSessionInternal(true)
This causes a manager.createSession(null) call in the request.doGetSession(), which generates a new session ID.
The JBoss Web 2.1.3 (which is a pimped Tomcat 6.0) has fixed this problem.

I would like to thank Thomas Schmidt who
developed this solution with me.


19 thoughts on “HowTo renew the Session id in Tomcat or JBoss after a login

  1. Thanks,
    Very good article, I am googling this type of article for long time today suddenly found in your article.

    HowTo renew the Session id in asp as well as after a login.

  2. In C# maybe it could be done in the Global.asax.cs. The technique should be nearly the same like in Java. I will write an article about it soon.

  3. just declare the valve as subnode of the <Host> entry:

    <Host name=”localhost” autoDeploy=”false” deployOnStartup=”false” deployXML=”false”>
    <Valve className=”de.koelnerwasser.RenewSessionValve ” />

  4. Hi Daniel,

    I’ve implemented my valve. I’m using the valve along with a login filter. I’m getting the request in the valve, but it is not proceeding from there. ie, its not reaching my login servlet. What could be the problem?


  5. which jars would i need to compile and deploy this valve ? I’m using tomcat Apache Tomcat/5.5.28.


  6. Hello Shriniwas,

    Just compile your valve and jar it. To compile your jar you need
    to look in which jar the valve interface is located in your Tomcat.
    Just search the lib folders of your Tomcat.


  7. Hi Danial,

    Can you please elaborate the implementation of Valve? what I understand is this that:
    1. We have to make a class… say RenewSessionValve.
    2. We have to declare the valve as subnode in our tomcat server.xml file.
    3. Compile the Valve and jar it.
    4. Compile your jar….. What is the point of search the lib folders of Tomcat?
    5. What changes we have to do in LoginFilter?
    6. How this RenewSessionValve is going to be read from LoginFilter?
    7. Whats next we have to do to accomplish this task?


  8. Hello Jenny,
    Point 1 to 3 is OK. To compile your Jar, the compiler needs the valve interface which is
    a apache class (org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase) – so you need to add the tomcat server jars to your buildpath.

    5. What changes we have to do in LoginFilter?
    >> None, the valve exist beside the filters. A valve is a part of the server pipline (as filters too)
    and is called before the filters
    6. How this RenewSessionValve is going to be read from LoginFilter?
    >> he does not need to read something from the login filter. As he is called
    before the filter, there is nothing he could read from the filter
    7. Whats next we have to do to accomplish this task?
    >> i don’t understand the question. If your valve is compiled, jared,
    added to the servers lib file and declared in the server.xml it should be
    invoked by the server and do his work.


  9. Hi Daniel

    I was writing a new class say RenewSessionValve, it says that The type RenewSessionValve must implement the inherited abstract method Valve.invoke(Request, Response, ValveContext)

    I have imported the org.apache.catalina.Valve file.


  10. Hi Daniel,
    Thank you so much for this solution. I have implemented your Valve and added in server.xml. I’m getting the request in the valve, but it is not proceeding from there. It is not going to my login servlets from Value. what should i do here so request would proceed to my Login Servlet ? Appreciate your response.


  11. ok just figured it out…
    getNext().invoke(request, response);
    Adding this line made the request to proceed to my Login servlet.

  12. Will this code be supported on WebSphere too after development on tomcat.

  13. Hi Daniel,
    I impelmented the same Valve and configured in server xml file. But i am getting the issue like i am not able to login to my application.

    Below is the Valve i wrote :

    package com.exp;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import org.apache.catalina.Session;
    import org.apache.catalina.authenticator.Constants;
    import org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SavedRequest;
    import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request;
    import org.apache.catalina.connector.Response;
    import org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase;

    public class SessionFixationValve extends ValveBase{

    private String authenticationUrl = “j_security_check”;

    public void setAuthenticationUrl(String authenticationUrl) {

    throw new IllegalArgumentException(“String is empty.”);
    this.authenticationUrl = authenticationUrl;

    public void invoke(Request req, Response response) throws IOException,
    ServletException {
    // check for the login URI, only after a login
    // we want to renew the session
    System.out.println(“invoke in SessionFixationValve “+req.getRequestURI());
    if (req.getRequestURI().contains(authenticationUrl)) {

    // save old session
    Session oldSession = req.getSessionInternal(true);
    SavedRequest saved = (SavedRequest) oldSession.
    System.out.println(“before invalidating session”);
    // invalidate old session

    System.out.println(“after invalidating session”);
    // create a new session and set it to the request
    Session newSession = req.getSessionInternal(true);

    System.out.println(“saved obj is : “+saved);
    // copy data from the old session
    // to the new one
    if (saved != null) {
    newSession.setNote(Constants.FORM_REQUEST_NOTE, saved);

    System.out.println(“before invoke “);
    // after processing the request forward it
    getNext().invoke(req, response);


    Below is the configuration server xml file :
    Host tag is already there in server xml file , So i just added my Valve.

    In Valve i added log for “getNext()” and below i am getting.
    So can you please help , if i am missing anything?
    Thanks ,


  14. Hello Kamalakar,
    what Serverersion are you using?
    Did you checked if your Valve is invoked (Logfile/Breakpoint)?
    Post a bit more of the Stacktrace.

    greetings Daniel

  15. Pingback: how to refresh JSESSIONID cookie after login –

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