Last week I received my new MacBook Pro after my old one was stolen. It’s my first Unibody MacBook and the design is stunning. Unfortunately function follows design.
This causes in a sharp edge of the case – just in front of the keyboard. So I decided to “mod” my macbook case by rounding the sharp edge with a file. I started with fixing the MacBook carefully with two clamps and a piece of wood:
Then I started to file the edge with a fine metal file. You can see the file laying in front of the Touchpad. After filing the edge I polished it with a polish lath:
And here is the result:
The filed edge is nearly invisible and I’m able to use the keyboard without an aching wrist.
Now my MacBook is perfect…
good work.
What did you use to polish.
What file numbers did you use? I tried 100mm, 200mm & 250 mm. These removed the edge but left metal sharpness. I had to use a 500 grit sand paper to make it smooth.
I have a 2011 mbp. I am thinking of sanding the lid edge too. Also the area around hinge is deadly sharp.
Hello soch,
i used a very fine 100mm file, which normally is used for gold works
and only removed the front edge with a few smooth strokes.
I polished the the edge with old 1000 grit sandpaper which was wound
around a wood bar.
My MBP is a 2010 model and until now (nearly 1 year of use) i dont have any problems with the
rounded edge.
Greetings Daniel